If using the Venmo app on your phone or mobile device, log in and go to your profile. Click on your picture and your QR code will appear. Below the QR code is a share symbol. Click Share and then Copy on your phone. Now you can just paste it in the Venmo tab of your WishingWell registration.
Friends and family will be directed to the specified Venmo account to send a donation. Be sure that this Venmo account is secured with a safe password. WishingWell is not liable for errors or if your Venmo password gets compromised. Please read the disclaimer that is listed under Terms/Conditions, which was agreed upon during registration.
If you are creating a Journey page for someone else, it is recommended to help them set up their own registration account and attach their personal Venmo link to avoid confusion. At this time, all 3rd party donation links are directly associated with the registered user/author of the Journey page.